B.T. Roberts
B.T. Roberts was the principal founder of the Free Methodist Church and the founding editor of The Earnest Christian. From 1886 to 1890, he also served as the editor of The Free Methodist (later renamed Light + Life). This article is a republished editorial from The Earnest Christian’s May 1876 issue. B.T. Roberts’ 200th birthday will be celebrated in July during General Conference 2023. Click here to visit the Marston Memorial Historical Center & Free Methodist Archive website to purchase a celebratory T-shirt or to download a birthday liturgy by Howard Snyder.
By B.T. Roberts
It may be that the one reason why you do not prosper in your soul is that you feel too independent. In crossing a high bridge over a deep river, it makes no difference which side you go off; you will drown in the one case just as surely as the other. So in relation to your course, you may be too yielding, and thus become a compromiser. And you may be too independent and become self-willed. Either extreme will grieve the Spirit, and leave you dry and barren, and unfruitful.
“You are to stand right alongside of God, and of the children of God.”
You are nowhere commanded to stand alone. You are to stand right alongside of God, and of the children of God. This independent spirit is the perverse leaven that leaveneth the whole lump. It is the germ of fanaticism. The body of Christ is not an aggregation of many separate bodies. It is made up of many members, each having its own duties, and all mutually dependent on each other.
Christ enjoined upon His disciples not isolation, but unity. He made the success of their prayers depend upon their agreement. “If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven” (Matthew 18:19 KJV). Here agreement in prayer is made the condition of success in prayer.
Again our Savior says that the mark of our being His disciples is not our independence but our love for each other. “These things I command you, that ye love one another” (John 15:17 KJV).
Then do not put on that bold, independent air, as if you did not care for anybody, and did not want anybody to care for you. Such a course is not dictated by the Spirit of Christ. It savors more of arrogance than of humility. It looks as if you almost claimed infallibility. Paul commands us to “be filled with the Spirit” but immediately adds “submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” But you do not submit to anybody, and you pride yourself upon it as though it evidenced a high state of grace.
“Humble yourself before God, and He will supply that which is lacking in your Christian character.”
You are mistaken altogether in your views of the Christian character. Humility, gentleness, meekness are quite as necessary as boldness and independence. But you lose sight of these graces of the Spirit. Consent to see your mistake. Humble yourself before God, and He will supply that which is lacking in your Christian character. He will teach you submission.

B.T. Roberts
B.T. Roberts was the principal founder of the Free Methodist Church and the founding editor of The Earnest Christian. From 1886 to 1890, he also served as the editor of The Free Methodist (later renamed Light + Life). This article is a republished editorial from The Earnest Christian’s May 1876 issue. B.T. Roberts’ 200th birthday will be celebrated in July during General Conference 2023. Click here to visit the Marston Memorial Historical Center & Free Methodist Archive website to purchase a celebratory T-shirt or to download a birthday liturgy by Howard Snyder.