By Lexi Kiser

Jesus changed my life. Jesus made me new and now, every day, I am growing deeper in my relationship with Him.

I am deeply grateful for Jesus redeeming me from my troubled past, giving me a new identity, and continuing to stretch and grow my faith. I am no longer who I was! I am His!

Jesus said, “Come to me,” and I came. I confessed I was a sinner, but I found Jesus loved me anyway. Jesus invited me to come through the door of forgiveness and grace He purchased for me on the cross, and I did.

Jesus shut the door on my past and forgave me for my sins of being fast to judge, letting my anxiety justify my actions, and choosing lust over love at times. I am no longer who l was.

I was a sinner, but on July 9, 2024, Jesus saved me, shutting the door on my past once and for all, and He gave me a new identity. Jesus said I’m no longer who I think I am, and He invited me to follow Him.

My sin made me believe things about myself that were not true: I’m not dateable, I’m too hard to handle, and I’m not worthy of love. Those false identities held me back from becoming who l was meant to be.


“I know I’m just beginning to understand who I am in Jesus.”


Made New

Jesus invited me to get into the boat with Him. He said He would make me new, and I believe Him.

I believe I am no longer who l was. I am who Jesus says I am.

I am dateable, fun to be around, and worthy of so much love! Honestly, I know I’m just beginning to understand who I am in Jesus. Jesus said there was more for me and invited me to go deeper with Him.

Living life with Jesus is great. I want to be with Jesus more every day. I’m so hungry for Him. I want to go deeper and learn more about who He is and who I am in Him.


“Have you allowed Jesus to shut the door on your past and give you a new eternal identity?”



Faithfully Growing

I know growing doesn’t happen by accident so I have committed to three spiritual practices to connect with Him every day: talking to God when I feel like gossiping, reading my Bible at least three days a week, and praying at every meal no matter the place.

This is my testimony. I found Jesus and discovered He loved me no matter what. I am forgiven, made new, and committed to faithfully growing in His likeness each day.

You can know the unlimited love of Jesus too. Jesus came and died that all might believe and be saved.

Do you believe in Jesus? Have you allowed Jesus to shut the door on your past and give you a new eternal identity?

Jesus wants to have an eternal relationship with you starting today. Come to Jesus and believe in who He says you are, and He will give you a full and eternal life.



Lexi Kiser is a high school senior who attends the Bedford Free Methodist Church in Indiana. She encountered God in a powerful way this summer at Wabash Park Camp & Retreat Center.

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