Michelle I. Roberts

Michelle I. Roberts

Michelle I. Roberts, D.Div., has been a member of the Free Methodist Church since 2002. She has served as one of the church plant leaders of Light & Life West in Long Beach, California, and as the co-leader of the Life Support ministry support team with which she assisted with groups and classes coming together for healing and support. She also has served as an online church platform leader, communications administrator, social media content developer, program developer and website administrator. In 2019, she became the assistant director of the African Heritage Network. She is also the owner of Smokin’ Crackers LLC, which makes artisan seasoned luxury snacks.

By Michelle I. Roberts

How often do you think about your environment? How much time do you spend wondering about tomorrow? When you order your burger and fries, do you replay your last doctor’s visit? Have you started your Christmas shopping? Did you just test positive for COVID? These are just a few things that can cause fear and anxiety to rise in anyone.

This may not be your list, but I bet you could quickly list the items you are thinking or worrying about in a matter of minutes, right?

Do you find yourself having more questions than answers? Have your prayers become a laundry list of why and why not?

Have you ever gotten to the point where all you can do is question God? “Lord, what should I do?” “How should I handle this, God?” “When will my family be restored, Father?” “Will I be healed, Jesus?”


“Rather than looking for the details and answers, simply invite God into the center of your situation.”

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If you find yourself in such a place, rather than looking for the details and answers, simply invite God into the center of your situation. Every time something comes up, invite Him to be the judge, the jury, the prosecutor, and the defense for the cases in front of you.

There will be situations or events that don’t make sense, but we need to come to terms with them because it’s only when we accept these things that we can function through these difficult moments in life.

Rest for Your Soul

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” This does not mean “come to me, and I’ll give you every detail of what’s going on,” nor is it saying “come to me so that you can see the whole picture.”

No, Jesus is saying come to Me with all that burdens you, with all that gives you sleepless nights, with all that worries you and when you come to Me and give Me those burdens, those problems may still be there, but I’ll give you peace for your troubled heart.

Matthew 11:29 goes on to say, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Jesus mentions to rest in Him and by rest, we are told to relax, refrain from worrying, stop stressing out, stop trying to fix it, and give it all to the Lord!

Think about this for a moment: Could it be that God’s letting you face this trial so that you can reach a deeper level of trust in Him? Could it be God is letting you face this so that you can learn to let go and stop trying to control every aspect and detail of your life?

Could it be that God is letting you face this so that He can humble you because maybe you’re too self-reliant?

Maybe you need to invite God into the midst of your situation because you cannot do it alone and you certainly don’t have all the answers. Should you take it to Jesus so you can have peace and rest?


“Many scriptures give us the answers for all the tests.”

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The answer is, yes, you should take it to Jesus. Many scriptures give us the answers for all the tests. We just need to study them.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).

This sounds like a wonderful gift waiting for us to own and possess it. When was the last time someone gave you a gift, and you didn’t accept it? I’ll wait.

This passage is just before Jesus was about to die — He would ascend to heaven. He says, “I’m leaving you a gift.” Jesus gives us the gift of peace with God and the ability to have peace in our hearts and minds. More than ever in history, we need the peace that only God can give us!

As 2022 comes to a close, we can look back and see the faithfulness of God. Friends and loved ones may have transitioned, jobs may have been lost, finances could have taken a turn for the worse — and you may have even lost hope — but rest assured … Jesus is still the answer to all questions. Jesus has left us with the gift of peace for our troubled hearts. “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7 KJV).

How can you share the peace of God in the next few weeks? Does your life show peace that is unrelated to circumstances? What examples are you sharing by the promises of God and the perfect peace of Jesus?

The Pursuit of Peace

“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).

The King James Version urges us to “follow peace with all men” while the Amplified Bible (Classic Edition) tells us to “strive to live in peace with everybody and pursue that consecration and holiness.” The Message says to “work at getting along with each other and with God.” The New Living Translation puts the verse this way, “Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.”


“Choose to reflect the love of Christ in every season.” – Vance K. Jackson

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According to Strong’s Concordance, the Greek word for follow is diōkō, which means “to run after, put to flight, drive away, to run swiftly in order to catch a person or thing, to press on, to pursue (in a hostile manner).”

“Pursue peace with everyone. Pursue the righteousness of Christ. Strive after peace,” Vance K. Jackson writes. “Choose to reflect the love of Christ in every season. Choose to reflect the love of Christ in all things. Choose to reflect the love of Christ in all of your relationships. Whether you are working with colleagues or surrounded by family members, choose to follow peace with all men.”

This holiday season, I pray for peace over you and your families. I pray you pursue peace in all things. I pray you crave peace in all relationships. I pray you show the love of Christ in all that you do in every season. +

Michelle I. Roberts

Michelle I. Roberts

Michelle I. Roberts, D.Div., has been a member of the Free Methodist Church since 2002. She has served as one of the church plant leaders of Light & Life West in Long Beach, California, and as the co-leader of the Life Support ministry support team with which she assisted with groups and classes coming together for healing and support. She also has served as an online church platform leader, communications administrator, social media content developer, program developer and website administrator. In 2019, she became the assistant director of the African Heritage Network. She is also the owner of Smokin’ Crackers LLC, which makes artisan seasoned luxury snacks.